Showing posts with label indigestion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label indigestion. Show all posts

I've taken these Diet Enzyme tablets from Ishokudogen(iSDG) for 30 days!

Firstly, I must apologise as I'm not very discipline in taking these pills. I should be taking them diligently for 30 days but in actual fact, I missed quite a couple of days in between.
Also, I must say that this is personal experience and will not be a fair or accurate gauge because of many other factor…

I'll be taking these Diet Enzyme tablets from Ishokudogen(iSDG) for 30 days!

I've always have digestion problems. The longest I didn't go to the toilet (to poop) is 14 or 15 days! That is how bad it is. Being indigested is never fun, it's a lot of discomfort (bloating, fullness) and sometimes it comes with pain that made you just want to lay still. I…

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