Baby Mynah flew away ...

Yeah, we're prepared for this day. We knew he would leave us one day, when he is ready. What we didn't expect is that it'll be this fast and in the most unfortunate way.He didn't leave because he wanted to, but because he was startled. Baby mynah have always been timid and recently, we've…

Taobao Vs Shopee: When to use which?

Well, before we get into the topic, let's a few things clear.1) I'm a regular online shopper (who might just happen to shop a little more than usual shoppers LOL), so these information are largely personal opinions and experiences.2) These are NOT official information and should be use as reference o…

DIY cake pan, cake box and paper bags!

Just recently, my sister got into no-bake cheesecake and a few of her friends requested to try her cake. (I'll say they're really bold because my sis is just a beginner with almost zero experiences!)
And like expected, there was chores! First, our freezer is so stuffed it couldn't fit the 10"…

Hand feeding a baby mynah - it's fun yet frustrating!

As mentioned in the previous post, I was given a rescued baby mynah bird. He arrived almost fully feathered and is able to support himself (stand).But he is still a baby who couldn't eat by himself, couldn't fly nor walk properly (he waddles).He is usually cute and a joy to watch -- BUT ... at the sa…

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