1 week Challenge to Improve Reaction time - Day 4

I'm still feeling the ache from yesterday's chopping. But oh well, I still did a session in the evening. Sorry about the bad angle (almost not capturing the actions). I was practicing on another wall, not the usual one in my room and I haven't really find the best position for the camera.

Anyway, today's session is just about the same as the previous ones. However, I've a rougher start, missing more than usually before I pick things up. I did more than 20 catches (I lost count somewhere) and then did managed 11 consecutive catches.

I had a few really bad throws - like the one that when straight for the "tray" below due to bad control of my left hand.

I don't plan to up the 10 consecutive catches aim yet, not until I don't miss the first 3 throws.

The "results":

Total Number of catches: 20 (estimated).

Total Number of Misses: 14 (estimated)

Time taken to complete 20 catches: 1 - 2 minutes (estimated)

Highest Number of consecutive catches: 11.

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