GrabFood: Nope, you doesn't always get the compensations for large orders!

I've always thought that fast food orders with 5 meals (with drinks) would qualify for the Large order compensation, especially for walkers who will have to carry all that weight and walk on foot to the destination.However, I was surprised by Grab when they rejected my request for compensation. The order…

GrabFood Update: I wish I could try out the Treasure Zone!

I'm so glad when I was notified again with an invitation to get into a Treasure Zone! Woohoo, 59 gems! I'm not sure how I can qualify for the gems, like if I get in there and complete 1 order or that I just have to get into the zone to get that.
Anyway, there is no way I can get an answer because wel…

Grabfood: Accepting orders during Wee hours pays more?

Fist of all, I would like to thank everyone (if any) who has been reading my blog! I'm vert grateful!Also, Happy Belated National Day to all fellow Singaporeans and Happy belated Birthday Singapore!I was previously told that "Wee hours orders" are being paid more. A fellow Grabfood delivery par…

Update: GrabFood Walker in Phrase 1 of Reopening and GrabFood Compensations

I guess it's good news that things are slowly getting back to normal now that we're Reopening after the Circuit Breaker!
The changes for GrabFood Walkers are quite drastic too! With McDonald's back into the scene and also the lowering of delivery fee (by $1), orders have increased and so do order …

Good news for users!! GrabFood seems to have decreased its delivery fee!

I'll make this a quick update.

I've noticed that for these 2 days, the delivery fee that eaters have to pay have decreased by $1 for all orders that I've delivered! However, the even better news is that pay per trip for riders aren't affected! Grab simply top-up more for the earnings adjustme…

DIY Mini Gachapon Machines

During the circuit breaker, I'm too free and I'm always trying to find things to do to past time.

So I design some template, print them out on adhesive paper and then make these mini Gachapon Machines out of thick paper.

*This is not the correct scale of the template.
Of course, I didn't get the…

Is GrabFood Walker affected by the Circuit Breaker (CB)!

It has been a looong while since I last updated.

Covid-19 had hit Singapore quite badly and changes our lives. With the circuit breaker in place, people are not allowed to go out except for essentials like food, groceries and exercise. Some "luxury food" are closed (bubble tea :/ and McDonald'…

I can't believe I spent almost SG$45 on these things!!

I must admit that online shopping can get really scary when it gets out of hand!!

I mean I was suppose to help my mum buy some dancing costume on Taobao but I ended up buying almost SG$40 worth of ... well, cute but not very useful stuffs!!

It all started with my cousin giving me a Crayon Shinchan Gachapon …

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